Tabletten und Suspension von Meloxicam zur oralen Verabreichung


die Kosten für einen dropper 10ml
inkl. MwSt., keine Versandkosten


die Kosten für eine Tablette in einer Dosierung von 7.5 mg
inkl. MwSt., keine Versandkosten

Meloxicam Tabletten und Suspension für Hunde, Katzen


Wirkmechanismus: hemmt die Prostaglandin-Synthese und hat somit eine entzündungshemmende, schmerzstillende, antipräsente und antihypertrophe Wirkung. Reduziert die leukämische Infiltration in das entzündete Gewebe. Auch die kollagenbedingte Aggressivität der Blutplättchen wird in geringerem Maße gehemmt; hemmt die COX-2 in stärkerem Maße als die COX-1; hemmt die Bildung von COX-2 und COX-1; hemmt die Bildung von COX-2 und COX-1; hemmt die Bildung von COX-2 und COX-1..

Absorption: vollständig nach oraler Verabreichung: ca. 4,5 h t max bei Hunden, nüchtern ca. 3 h bei Katzen. Wenn die Tiere bei der Verabreichung der Dosis gefüttert werden, verzögert sich die Resorption. Bei der empfohlenen Dosis wird ein stabiler Zustand innerhalb von 2 Tagen erreicht.SK Injektion: vollständig nach s. c: c max 0. 73 µg/ml bei Hunden, 1. 1 µg/ml bei Katzen.T 2. 5 Stunden bei Hunden, 1. 5 Stunden bei Katzen. Lineare Dosis/Plasmakonzentration innerhalb des therapeutischen Dosisbereichs..


Lösung 5 mg/ml: Hunde: Linderung von Entzündungen und Schmerzen im Zusammenhang mit akuten und chronischen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates, postoperative Schmerzen und Entzündungen nach orthopädischen und weichteilchirurgischen Eingriffen; KAT: Linderung von postoperativen Schmerzen nach Eierstockoperationen und Linderung von leichten Weichteiloperationen; Lösung 2 mg/ml: KAT: leichte und mäßige Schmerzen nach Operationen bei Katzen. Linderung von postoperativen Schmerzen und Entzündungen, z. B. bei orthopädischen Operationen und Weichteileingriffen.1. 5 mg/ml: Hunde: Linderung von Entzündungen und Schmerzen im Zusammenhang mit akuten und chronischen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats.0. 5 mg/ml: CAT: Linderung von leichten und mäßigen postoperativen Schmerzen und Entzündungen, z. B. bei orthopädischen Operationen und Weichteileingriffen. Linderung von Schmerzen und Entzündungen im Zusammenhang mit akuten und chronischen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats bei Katzen. Meerschweinchen: Linderung von leichten bis mäßigen postoperativen Schmerzen nach Weichteileingriffen, z. B. Kastration von männlichen Meerschweinchen. Kautabletten: Hunde: Linderung von Entzündungen und Schmerzen im Zusammenhang mit akuten und chronischen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates..


Nicht anwenden bei Überempfindlichkeit gegen einen der Inhaltsstoffe. Nicht bei trächtigen und säugenden Tieren anwenden. Nicht anwenden bei Tieren mit gastrointestinalen Störungen wie Reizungen oder Blutungen, eingeschränkter Leber-, Herz- oder Nierenfunktion oder Blutungsstörungen. Nicht zur Anwendung bei Hunden oder Katzen bestimmt Lösung für Injektionszwecke..

Unnötige Maßnahmen.

Loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, stool, indifference, and renal failure have been observed in dogs and cats. Very rare cases of hemorrhagic diarrhea, hematomas, gastrointestinal ulcers, and increased liver enzymes have been observed. These side effects usually occur during the first week of treatment, but are usually temporary and disappear with discontinuation. In very rare cases, side effects can be serious or life-threatening. Solution injectable: in very rare cases, anaphylactic reactions have been observed..


Anaphylactic reactions should be treated incidentally. Avoid use in dehydrated, sublocular or hypotonic animals due to potential risk of increased nephrotoxicity. During anesthesia, monitoring and wetlands should be considered common. The 1.5 mg/ml mixture for dogs should not be used in cats. Only 0.5 mg/ml mixtures should be used in cats. Postoperative pain and inflammation after surgery: If additional pain relief is needed, the possibility of another pain treatment is necessary. Chronic musculoskeletal disorders: response to long-term therapy should be monitored regularly by a veterinarian. Injection solution: if adverse reactions occur, discontinue treatment and contact the veterinarian. Special precautions for people administering preparations to animals: solutions for injections and mixtures: random self-areas may cause pain; persons hypersensitive to NSAIDs should avoid contact with the preparation. In case of random self-administration/unintentional ingestion, seek medical assistance immediately and show the leaflet/label to the physician. The preparation may cause eye irritation. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water..


Do not use at the same time as other NSAIDs, glucocorticoids, diuretics, anticoagulants, aminoglycoside antibiotics, or high-protein commitment substances. Concomitant use of nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided. In animals in which anesthesia is associated with increased risk (e.g., older animals), the possibility of intravenous or SK should be considered. Treatment with fluids during anesthesia. Renal function cannot be ruled out when NSAIDs are used during anesthesia. Previous treatment with anti-inflammatory substances may cause additional or more severe side effects and therefore require a period without treatment at least 24 hours prior to starting meloxicam therapy. The duration of the no treatment period depends on the pharmacokinetics of the previously used preparation..

Pregnancy/ Lottery.


Dosering må skje med stor nøyaktighet. Anbefalt dose skal ikke overskrides. Injeksjonsvæske 5 mg/ml til hund: Lidelser i bevegelsesapparatet: 0,2 mg/kg (tilsv. 0,4 ml/10 kg) som s.c. engangsdose. 24 timer etter injeksjonen kan mikstur (styrken 1,5 mg/ml til hund) eller tyggetabletter med dosering 0,1 mg/kg gis. Reduksjon av postoperative smerter: 0,2 mg/kg (tilsv. 0,4 ml/10 kg) som i.v. eller s.c. engangsdose før operasjon, f.eks. ved innledning av anestesi. Injeksjonsvæske 5 mg/ml til katt: Reduksjon av postoperative smerter: 0,3 mg/kg (tilsv. 0,06 ml/kg) som s.c. engangsdose før operasjon, f.eks. ved innledning av anestesi. Injeksjonsvæske 2 mg/ml til katt: Reduksjon av postoperative smerter: 0,2 mg/kg (tilsv. 0,1 ml/kg) som s.c. engangsdose før operasjon, f.eks. ved innledning av anestesi. 24 timer etter injeksjon kan mikstur 0,5 mg/ml til katt med dosering 0,05 mg/kg (tilsv. 3 dråper/kg) gis. Denne behandlingen kan gjentas ytterligere 3 ganger med 24 timers intervall. En s.c. enkeltinjeksjon på 0,3 mg/kg (dvs. 0,15 ml/kg) har også vist seg å være sikkert og effektivt til reduksjon av postoperative smerter og inflammasjon. Denne behandlingen kan benyttes etter operasjon av katter når oral oppfølgning ikke er mulig, f.eks. til ville katter. Mikstur 1,5 mg/ml til hund: Akutte og kroniske lidelser i bevegelsesapparatet: Enkeltdose på 0,2 mg/kg (tilsv. 4 dråper/kg) første dag og vedlikeholdsdose på 0,1 mg/kg (tilsv. 2 dråper/kg) 1 gang daglig (24 timers intervall). For langtidsbehandling, ved observert klinisk respons (etter 4 dager), kan dosen justeres til lavest effektiv dose ettersom grad av smerter og inflammasjon i forbindelse med kronisk lidelse i bevegelsesapparatet kan variere over tid. Alternativt kan behandlingen innledes med injeksjonsvæske 5 mg/ml. Klinisk respons sees normalt i løpet av 3-4 dager. Behandlingen bør avbrytes etter 10 dager hvis det ikke oppnås effekt. Mikstur 0,5 mg/ml til katt: Klinisk respons sees normalt i løpet av 7 dager. Behandlingen bør avbrytes etter 14 dager hvis det ikke oppnås effekt. Postoperativ smerte og inflammasjon etter kirurgisk inngrep: Behandlingen innledes med injeksjonsvæske 2 mg/ml. 24 timer etter injeksjonen kan mikstur 0,5 mg/ml med dosering 0,05 mg/kg (tilsv. 3 dråper/kg) gis. Denne orale behandling kan gjentas ytterligere 3 ganger med 24 timers intervall. Akutt lidelse i bevegelsesapparatet: Enkeltdose på 0,2 mg/kg (tilsv. 12 dråper/kg) første dag og deretter vedlikeholdsdose på 0,05 mg/kg (tilsv. 3 dråper/kg) 1 gang daglig (24 timers intervall) så lenge akutt smerte og inflammasjon vedvarer. Kroniske lidelser i bevegelsesapparatet: Enkeltdose på 0,1 mg/kg(tilsv. 6 dråper/kg) første dag og deretter vedlikeholdsdose på 0,05 mg/kg (tilsv. 3 dråper/kg) 1 gang daglig (24 timers intervall). Mikstur 0,5 mg/ml til marsvin: Postoperativ smerte i forbindelse med bløtdelskirurgi: Behandlingen innledes med en oral enkeltdose på 0,2 mg/kg (tilsv. 0,4 ml/kg) på dag 1 (før kirurgi). Behandlingen forsettes med en dose på 0,1 mg/kg (tilsv. 0,2 ml/kg) 1 gang daglig (24 timers intervall) på dag 2 og 3 (etter kirurgi). Dosen kan, etter veterinærens skjønn, titreres opp til 0,5 mg/kg i enkelte tilfeller. Sikkerhet ved doser >0. 6 mg/kg er imidlertid ikke evaluert hos marsvin. Tyggetabletter 1 mg Og 2. 5 mg Til Hund: EnkeltDosePå0. 2 mg/kg FørsteDag. alternativt KanInjeksjonsvæske5 mg/ml Gis. treatment with vedlikeholdsdosepå0. 1 mg/kg 1 Gangdagrig (24 timer interl.). Up to dogs..

Meloxicam 7.5 mg Dogs.

Despite the many similarities that humans and animals share in body structure and function, there are some differences, especially with regard to organ and metabolic function, that are very important. This includes tolerance of analgesics from human medicine. Some of the active substances used are harmful and even fatal in the worst cases to their faithful partners. It is therefore very important that such drugs remain inaccessible to pets and that they are not administered without veterinary instruction..

Helpful in assessing possible poisoning and the treatment measures to be fired are the time of swallowing, the amount ingested, and the active ingredient processed by the drug. In most cases, cats are more sensitive to human medications than dogs. If the ingestion of a drug has not taken more than 4 hours, the animal may exhale and use metabolism such as nauseous carbon, preventing further absorption of the active ingredient through the gastrointestinal tract mucosa. If the active ingredient has already been absorbed into the bloodstream, intensive infusion therapy and control of organic values through the blood is usually necessary. Some active substances can also be neutralized with an antidote, S O-Called Antidote. In life-threatening situations the animal may even need to breathe or absorb transfused blood. The prognosis at this stage is very unfavorable..


Aspirin is fatal to cats even at the low doses used in humans. In dogs, doses of 50 mg/kg three times a day cause death (e.g., two 500 mg tablets of aspirin can cause death in a 20 kg dog)..


It should be explained that paracetamol is very toxic, especially in cats, as the liver cannot break down the active substance; even 250 mg of paracetamol tablets can be fatal for cat treatment. Dogs are not as sensitive as cats, but should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible..

Symptoms: pale mucous membranes to bruzo, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, swelling of legs and face, vomiting if not given treatment, yellow und, and even red blood cell discoloration of urine due to liver deficiency, breakdown of red blood cells..


Urinary tract infections in dogs: definition and treatment..

As J. Scott Weese explains, it can be important when treating urinary tract problems in dogs when treating urinary tract problems in dogs..

Basic Message..


Urinary tract disease is a common problem in dogs and one of the most common reasons for using antibiotics. In addition to the dangers of the patient's well, urinary tract infections can be problematic, primarily because they are costly, cause great frustration to pet owners, and can lead to complications (e.g., turbo-charged urinary tract disease). In dogs with recurrent infections or infections that respond inadequately to treatment, these problems can be exacerbated by a combination of one another..

Recognizing the importance of canine urinary tract disease, the International Society for the Control of Infectious Diseases in Pets (ISCAID) has developed clinical guidelines that describe recommendations for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.1 The scope and scale of these guidelines highlight the potential complexity of canine urinary tract infection and provide valuable tips for the practicing veterinarian The following is a brief overview of the guidelines..

What information is included in the names?

Terminology is important because it promotes a clear understanding of the disease process and aids communication. It can play an important role in making decisions regarding diagnosis and treatment. There are several different classifications or descriptions in use today (Table 1)..

Urinary system infection is a term that can lead to confusion. This is a more accurate term to describe the presence of cystitis due to bacterial cystitis cystitis occurring because it is sometimes used to describe clinical disease and asymptomatic bacteriuria in the presence of bacteria in urinary bacterial cystitis. 3 or more times in the past 12 months. Resistant cystitis cystitis resistant cystitis that does not respond to appropriate treatment Bacterial cystitis responds to repeated clinical appearances of cystitis with the same pathogen, indicating an inability to eliminate the cystic clinical appearance in later cultivation. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in the presence of bacteria in urine without symptoms of urinary tract disease. A non-complex term used in human medicine for infection without other proven risk factors or abnormalities. It usually occurs in young, sexually active women. Since it is doubtful that there are actually "uncomplicated" cases, it is unlikely that there is any similarity to cases that typically occur in canine patients. Thus, the use of this term is discouraged. It has affected the terminology used to describe recurrent infections or infections in patients with co-operative or other complications (e.g., endocrine disorders, etc.). The term "complicated" itself provides little information regarding diagnostic or treatment decisions because it is a very heterogeneous group..

Urinary tract infection for bacterial cystitis.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a widely used term. However, in the veterinary literature, the term is used for a variety of different types, including both conditions with clinical disease of the urinary tract 2 3. deposits 4 5 6 7. This can lead to significant confusion about the clinical significance of the corresponding findings, especially when cystitis is no different from asymptomatic bacteriuria..

Because of the potential confusion regarding the term "urinary tract infection," the various uses of this term, and above all the need to focus on the actual process of the disease (such as cystitis), it is recommended that the term "bacteria" be used to refer to cystitis "bacterial infection of the urinary tract leading to clinically evident disease When referring to..

Asymptomatic bacteria. < Span> Urinary system infection (UTI) is a widely used term. However, in the veterinary literature, the term is used for a variety of different types, including both conditions with clinical disease of the urinary tract 2 3. deposits 4 5 6 7. This can lead to significant confusion about the clinical significance of the corresponding findings, especially when cystitis is no different from asymptomatic bacteriuria..

Asymptomatic bacteriuria. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a widely used term. However, in the veterinary literature, the term is used for a variety of different types, including both conditions with clinical disease of the urinary tract 2 3. deposits 4 5 6 7. This can lead to significant confusion about the clinical significance of the corresponding findings, especially when cystitis is no different from asymptomatic bacteriuria..

Asymptomatic bacteria.

Traditionally, the bladder was considered a practically barren place. Today, however, it is clear that this is not the case. On the contrary, bacteria can usually circulate both inside and outside the bladder. This phenomenon is more common in bitches (due to their small urethra) and in certain diseased populations (immunosuppressed animals, animals with spinal cord disease, or dogs with pathogenic obesity). In addition to this passive migration of individual organisms in and out of the bladder, there are increasingly signs of the presence of "urinary tract microflora". Although this has not yet been reported in dogs, human medical studies, using sophisticated techniques, have identified a variety of microbial populations in urine in healthy individuals, but also in patients with spinal or kidney disease.8 9 10. A number of different bacteria are found in the bladder, but they are less abundant and diverse than elsewhere, such as the gastrointestinal tract than in other locations, such as the gastrointestinal tract. The dynamics of the bladder microbiota, its role in disease, and even whether there are actually viable bacteria (or just DNA) is not clear..

Regardless of whether bacteria appear as sporadic, transient events in the bladder or as part of a previously neglected permanent microbiota, it is clear that bacteria are commonly found in bladder dogs without clinical signs of urinary tract disease. The prevalence of bacteriuria varies between dog studies and populations, but can be high (Table 2)..

Significant changes in the approach to urinary tract infections in dogs have occurred specifically because of the widely accepted perception that asymptomatic bacteriuria usually does not require treatment.1 In human medicine, intensive efforts are already being made to reduce treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria. This is due in part to concerns about antimicrobial resistance, with no evidence that it is necessary.11 12 13 15. In healthy women, treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria is associated with an increased risk of subsequent urinary tract infection, compared with witnesses without treatment.16 In addition, cystitis, renal lone nephritis, or urinary tract, there may be concern about the potential for progression to asymptomatic bacteriuria. However, there are no data indicating such a risk in dogs. Few studies have included any indication of a correlation between bacteriuria and outcome, either in paralyzed dogs17 or in otherwise healthy bitches.18.

Furthermore, given the potentially high prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in certain dog populations (diabetic dogs, obese dogs, dogs on immunosuppressive medications) and the potentially high prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria that the concurrent low clinical frequency of urinary tract infections is usually a "benign" condition. For these reasons, treatment is usually not recommended for asymptomatic bacteriuria 26..

Unaffected or uncomplicated - does it matter?

When classifying canine bacterial cystitis, terms used in human medicine are often used: "simple, unmarried" or "complicated". However, it is not clear that these definitions are actually applicable to dogs. At best, they lead to severe simplification of a wide range of infections. At worst, they are inaccurate and misleading. In humans, "simple non-replicating" urinary tract infections usually explain sporadic infections in otherwise healthy women without obvious risk factors in addition to sexual activity or underlying factors that increase the risk of treatment failure. Most of these infections occur in healthy, sexually active young women. Thus, they are not directly proportional to the dog's situation. This does not mean, however, that noncomplex infections do not occur in dogs. On the contrary, it is not clear what actually constitutes an uncomplicated infection and how (if at all) it would alter patient management or treatment in this individual case. On the other hand, the definition of a dog as a dog with a "complex" infection often automatically leads to the formation of an extended cycle of antibiotics (28 days). . Even in complex cases, each patient should be examined individually. For example, a dog with recurrent infections due to anatomic abnormalities may be prone to a series of "non-complex" infections that respond to short-term therapy. Therefore, in the author's opinion, serologic isolation into "complicated" and "noncomplicated" should be avoided as it may lead to false cases and unnecessary measures..

Persistent infection or reinfection - does it matter?

In a nutshell, yes. Treating patients with recurrent disease can be challenging and frustrating. When infections recur, it is important to find the cause of the recurrent voltage to open up the possibility of long-term clinical success. Repeat antibiotic therapy is an underlying strategy that may lead to disease recurrence and increased resistance due to repeated exposure to antibiotics instead of specific detection of the root of the problem. In all patients with repeat infections, the cause cannot be identified and, if found, is not always treatable. In any case, however, it makes sense to at least try to identify the underlying cause..

Whether infection occurs because of incomplete elimination of the causative pathogen (persistent infection) or the result of repeated invasion of a new pathogen into the bladder (reinfection) are outcomes that affect the diagnostic approach and treatment..

Can we distinguish between persistent infection and repeated response?.

The simple answer is: sometimes. Occasionally. If different bacterial species are detected at one time, the update is obvious. If the same bacterial species is detected but with a distinctly different sensitivity profile each time (especially differences in resilience based on genetic gain or loss, such as resistance to beta-lactam), re-kidney wal is possible. If the same bacterial species is detected with the same sensitivity to antibiotics, this may reflect persistent infection or renegotiation with similar STEM. In this case, the distinction can only be made with the help of molecular standardization. The answers to the question which of these three scenarios is most likely in a particular case may help to limit the list of key differential diagnoses and optimize the diagnostic design (Table 3)..

Diagnosis of Bacterial Cystitis.

In dogs, preliminary reports and clinical examination may strongly suggest bacterial cystitis. Unlike cats, where most cases of urinary tract disease have no infectious cause, the diagnosis of suspected bacterial cystitis in dogs is supported by typical clinical signs (e.g., frequency, strangulated urine, hematuria and/or dysuria, dysuria in absence (In the case of symptoms not related to the urinary system). In such cases, urinalysis is always recommended because it is a simple, cost-effective and useful diagnostic tool (Figure 1). The urine specific gravity (SHG) provides information on renal function. Urine samples detect or confirm hematuria, provide information on urinary pH, and reveal potentially relevant changes such as blood sugar. Cytology supports diagnosis by detecting, for example, white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria, and provides clues to urolithiasis, kidney disease, or bladder tumors by detecting crystals, urine columns, or abnormal cells (Figure 2)..

If possible, urine cultivation should always be performed. In dogs with a first episode of bacterial cystitis, empiric therapy may be warranted. Cultivation is usually not necessary to confirm the diagnosis - it is primarily used to select the most appropriate antibiotic for each case. If the dog is not expected to resist front-line antibiotics (e.g., dogs not treated with antibiotics and low-value classifications), empiric therapy can be successful. On the contrary, as the potential for resistant pathogens increases, either due to dog-related or population-related factors, crops become more important. Naturally collected urine is suitable for cytology, but urine samples sterilized with cysts are preferred over cultivated. Although "pure" natural urine samples have been shown to give similar cultivation results to cyst samples, the samples must be processed in the laboratory within a few hours, and a cutoff value of 100000 cfu/ml 27 should be used. However, under practical conditions, the period of sample collection and further treatment in the laboratory usually precludes this, unless the crop is performed directly in the clinic. Therefore, if crops are to be performed, cysts should be the normal sample collection method whenever possible..

In any case, even if the sample was taken by cyst, the important interpretation of the cultural results is critical. Infection or colonization can lead to the isolation of non-clinical bacteria. If many different pathogens have been isolated, one must investigate which of these pathogens is most likely the cause of the problem, as it may not be necessary to control all bacteria detected. If bacteria are usually detected (e.g., Bacillus spp., Koagoulase-Arnite Staphylococci, various environmental pathogens), it should be considered an infection. However, this should not be ruled out a priori, since a monoculture of an unusual pathogen may actually indicate a corresponding infection by this organism. However, this is not certain even in these cases, and the use of advanced antibiotics against multi-resistant bacteria of questionable clinical significance may not be necessary. Therefore, unlike cultural outcomes, empirical treatment with first-line antibiotics may be preferable in such cases..

In most cases, there is a cause for the release, so diagnostic estimates should also be directed to the underlying cause (which can be difficult to determine). Detailed diagnostic investigation may not be warranted after an individual episode, but further investigation is never contraindicated and is clearly indicated when recurrent disease occurs (Figure 3)..

Meg ist eine acht Jahre alte Golden Retriever-Hündin, bei der im Rahmen der jährlichen Routineuntersuchung über die Kultur einer mittels Zystozentese gewonnenen Harnprobe eine Bakteriurie festgestellt wurde. Klinische Symptome einer Erkrankung der ableitenden Harnwege wurden nicht beobachtet. Laut Vorbericht hatte die Hündin eine Inflammatory Bowel Disease, die mit niedrig dosiertem Prednison (5 mg alle 24 Stunden) kontrolliert wurde. Mikroskopisch wurde eine Bakteriurie (>Treatment of Bacterial Cystitis..

Over the past decade, there has been a marked change in the therapeutic approach to bacterial cystitis in dogs. In the past, they were often based on longer treatment periods (14 days), but there is no evidence of an optimal duration of treatment. Human patients usually recommend shorter treatment intervals (3-5 days)28 29 and ultimately there is no reason to believe that there should be a difference between humans and dogs in this regard The 2011 ISCAID guidelines recommend a treatment period of 7-10 days and that even treatment intervals are likely to be effective Although there are comments, there is no evidence to support IT26 . Subsequent studies have described comparable efficacy of shorter treatment periods compared to the longer treatment periods commonly used in dogs. For example, the clinical equivalence of 3-day treatment with trimethoprim sulfa and 10-day treatment with Separexin 3 versus 3-day trophiloxacin treatment and 14-day treatment with amoxicillin/clovirine acid 2. Use of the same drugs for different treatment periods, but data to date are more supportive of the use of support the use of shorter treatment regimens. With this in mind, the revised 2019 ISCAID guidelines recommend 3-5 days of treatment for sporadic cystitis. Eligible frontline antibiotics are summarized in Table 4. In some cases, other antibiotics may be indicated depending on sensitivity to the antibiotic, some aspect of the disease (i.e., concerns about deeper tissue involvement as well as urine and urinary tract) drug tolerance by the patient, and finally, owner compliance with the specific treatment regimen..

Case Studies.

Case Study 1 - Asymptomatic Bacteria..

(40 bacteria/HPF) with low grade peuria (5-10 leukocytes/HPF) but no hematuria SHG was 1, 044. Hematology was negligible. Diagnosis was asymptomatic bacteria and no treatment was recommended..

Routine examination of dogs without clinical signs of urinary tract disease is generally not 1, but MEG was monitored by urine analysis to better understand the disease. Typically, urine samples were collected once a month. If possible, cysts were created. Otherwise, samples were collected during spontaneous urination and processed in the laboratory within a few hours, using a cut value of 100000 cfu/ml 27 . E. coli was isolated from each urine sample collected during the previous 8 months. Inflammatory deposits with white blood cells were also detected, but there was no macroscopic or microscopic hematuria. No clinical signs of urinary tract disease (or other disease) were observed. Because the bitch had no clinical signs of disease, treatment was not recommended and no problems were observed. The cause of the asymptomatic bacteriuria was not determined. The next diagnostic step in this case is cystoscopy..

Meg is a good example of persistent subclinical bacteriuria. In the past, any of these episodes of E. coli isolation would likely have led to antibiotic therapy. However, there is much data in human medicine today suggesting that there is no benefit from treating bacteriuria without clinical symptoms. Therefore, great efforts are being made in human medicine to further reduce the testing and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria patients. This includes patients with complex medical histories (e.g., transplanted kidney recipients or those with unexplained clinical symptoms such as paralytic or dementia patients); MEG is not treated because the patient is not suffering from an obvious problem due to the bacteria detected; and MEG is not treated because the patient is not suffering from a clinical problem due to the bacteria detected..

Case Study 2-Sporadic Bacterial Cystitis..

Molly is a 4-year-old female Labradoodle presenting with a 24-hour history of polacourea and defecation. Molly is otherwise healthy and preliminary reports and clinical examination are negligible. The urine sample collected during natural defecation appears to be abnormal to the naked eye, i.e., cloudy reddish color with croc-like material. Urine stripe test shows hematuria without other changes; SHG is 1, 030; cytologic findings indicate cystitis: 50 erythrocytes/HPF and 20-30 white blood cells/HPF. Numerous rod bacteria can also be observed. Thus, bacterial cystitis is suspected as the most likely cause of the observed symptoms..

The likelihood of resistant infection in dogs not recently exposed to antibiotics or hospitalization is considered very low. In light of these data, cultivation of cysts and urine has been discussed with owners but is strongly discouraged. Owners choose not to cultivate. Will be dosed with amoxicillin (20 mg/kg PO every 12 hours for 4 days). Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg PO) is also administered for pain relief. Clinical signs improve within 24 hours. In a telephone communication a few days after the end of antibiotic treatment, the owner does not explain the problem; at the next Molly routine test 6 months later, no further symptoms of urinary tract infection are described..

This case is fairly simple but illustrates a typical scenario. Cultivation is a useful tool, but ultimately it is less useful if minimally helpful in diagnosis (bacterial cystitis) and if there is little likelihood of pathogen resistance involved with common empirical antibiotics. This is the case in most dogs with sporadic bacterial cystitis and without prior reports of antibiotic or hospitalized exposure. However, the crop is by no means contraindicated and is especially appropriate in cases of treatment failure. Thus, a discussion of the costs and benefits of cultivation is essential for any dog with suspected bacterial cystitis..

Case Study 3-Strobite Urinary Tract Disease..

Frankie is an 8-year-old neutered male bastard showing polaria and isolation present for at least 14 days. Laboratory work is negligible and there is no evidence of previous urinary tract infection as previously reported..

Canine uterine proton.

At the end of the fever, the uterine mucosa is less able to defend against pathogenic microorganisms due to estrogenic effects. At the same time, however, the cervix still paints a picture for bacteria. Localized infections can develop. At the end of the fever, the cervix closes again and the resistance of the uterine mucosa increases. Pus forms and accumulates in the uterus..

Another common cause of uterine infection is the treatment of the dog with hormones to prevent fever. If the bitch is not administered at the exact moment when the hormones are inactive, there is also a risk of a rise in infection..

In "truly" neutered bitches, pyometra can occur as a complication if the ovaries are removed free during surgery, leaving residual hormonal tissue in the body (residual ovarian syndrome). The hormonal disorder associated with it almost inevitably leads to S o-Calcaled Pyometira, i.e., purified inflammation of the remains of the uterus that remain after castration..

In its open form, PUS can be exported from the open cervix. The secretions are usually cocoa colored and have an unpleasant odor. The gulf is obviously distended. Animals with this form of the disease visibly lick the genital area. The animal often suffers from diarrhea and vomiting..

Hi:) my dog had her uterus removed 2 days ago and was estimated to be over 15 years old but is now improving although it is difficult to get out of the anesthesia. She was bloody yesterday as soon as I discovered she was still dripping pus from her vagina. She is covered with antibiotics and her blood levels were at normal levels yesterday. I am concerned, do I need to go back to the oncologist or is it completely normal? Thank you very much for your answers..

Our blog is not meant to replace a visit to the vet, nor is it a guide for individual cases. Usually at best a minimal amount of pus will continue to be drawn out of the rest as secretions. In any case, I will contact the surgery on this issue..

Thank you very much for your response. Of course, this is no substitute for a visit to the vet, but unfortunately the practice is not calling. I will be contacted by the on-call doctor and will attend. Today is bloody, otherwise everything will be ok. I will keep looking. Thank you and thanks. :).

My dog Kira had uterine inflammation in early April. Because of very low kidney values he could not be operated on, so he is injected. He recovered very well after that . But now it is licking and bleeding again. Is there this normal fever? Or should I fear that it is inflamed again? It eats normally and behaves normally. Blood is deep red, as is normal fever..

Worst of all, if my Kira has uterine inflammation again, I can not help her. Kira was so sick last year that I paid all my savings for it. I have no money for a vet and it would be her death sentence. I really need help. I could not afford it if it had to die! Any help from anywhere?.

Good morning, please understand that I cannot comment here for a specific patient I do not know. Very many factors could be responsible. In any case, I will clarify it from your vet, and if in doubt, I will take a blood test. Pyomitra is a serious condition that can have post-operative complications..

Hi, last week my dog Emma had a strong discharge of pus about 3-4 weeks after the pregnancy ended. We went to the vet and she received a strong antibiotic injection and 8 days of antibiotic tablets. These were finished yesterday as well. The pus discharge has almost completely disappeared and is now strengthening. If there is no improvement tomorrow we will go to the vet. I just wanted to know if it is normal. Good bye..

Hi, my bitch (9 yrs old) has always had a pseudo grave. She was always treated by the vet . Now he has an inflammation in his mammary gland and was treated by the vet. Now I decided to spay her as I do not want to suffer anymore. I also talked to the vet about this. He told me it is impossible and the uterus has to come out. Now someone told me that it is better to remove only the ovaries. I am a little confused. What would be the best solution?.

Please understand that I cannot give advice on castration in individual cases without knowing the patient. Your colleagues should be able to advise you with validity. Both options (ovaries or ovaries + uterus only) are possible. The prerequisite for removal of the ovaries only is that there are no pathological changes in the uterus. Of course, the risks increase with age, so the possibility of the entire procedure must be considered..

I have a female dog in foster care that has cancer in her paw. Now her uterus is dilated and the vet has prescribed Caesium 500 after an ultrasound and two injections, two tablets a day, zero results, eats little and drinks a lot..

I have just read a bit on this subject and I am quite sad. I have a 9 year old bitch who has mama cancer with metastasis in her lungs. The tumor was a random discovery 100 million years ago because there was already an abnormality in her lungs on x-rays and she was already quite sick from an early age - has immunodeficiency - was not spayed. Now her friend, the dog, received urgent total intervention. For a long time he had no symptoms or was difficult to understand due to the summer heat. He ate to the last, he drank so much all the time he didn't notice until slowly. Anyway I am scared because my dog is very sick. I was advised by my vet not to do anything even with cancer because it has metastasized to the Lungs. But I feel like I am doing something wrong because I am not doing anything. What do you do with a dog that is dying but still happy and well alive when an emergency happens that causes uterine thickening? Is it time to say goodbye (euthanasia) or wait until the frequent and tedious complications of sepsis, kidney failure, uterine failure, etc. occur? The ones that happen are terrible and associated with terrible pain..

If you are unsure if there are no treatment options, seek a second opinion from a specialist. If teeth are not an option for some reason, uterine inflammation can often be successfully treated with alidine. But then there is the risk of a new cleanse. Surgery can therefore be seen as the most reasonable treatment..

My German wire bitch underwent emergency pyomite surgery yesterday. The next night and this morning he felt optimistic. Medications were administered as directed. As of noon today, the operating room area is very warm and the dog is sprinkling and whining without interruption. Temperature 38.5. consult Carolina..

My 5 year old bitch was spayed after her first heat wave. Only her ovaries were removed. She now had ovarian inflammation. Her vet put her on antibiotics. I also feel she is getting better. However, the vet advised me to do a hysterectomy. Tomorrow is the appointment and I started to get cold. I fear I have made the wrong decision as I am so much better now. Should I wait and see or is it appropriate to take precautionary measures ?.

How was the suspected ovarian inflammation diagnosed? If it is properly castrated there are no other ovaries that could cause the problem. And since there are no more hormones affecting it, nothing usually happens in the uterus. I will confirm the diagnosis..

Sorry, I made a mistake in my last email. He had a uterine infection. When he was castrated, only his ovaries were removed. When she was examined she had vaginal discharge. I have never noticed it before or since. She was X-Rayed and examined by ultrasound. I think there was a slight change in her uterus. I took her to the doctor because she was so weak and stupid. He often sat as if he was blocking the anal glands. I examined it. There was nothing there. She was always licking herself so you might not have noticed she had a secretion. Was the secretion caused by something else? It was a light colored secretion. There was no blood or pus. Thank you for your response..

It is very rare for a bitch to develop a uterine infection if the ovaries are completely removed and the bitch shows no signs of fever or attraction in male dogs. Of course, the secretion could have other causes, such as vaginal irritation, or it could arise from the bladder/urinary tract. These causes should be clarified prior to possible surgery. Alternatively, in the case of inflammation, ultrasound indicates that the uterus is filled with fluid..

Good morning, how is it possible that two different vets from two different clinics do not recognize ultrasound closed piomelas and blood tests.How is it possible that two different vets from two different clinics do not recognize ultrasound closed paometol and blood tests? My 7 year old dog could not lift his hind legs so I was told she was giving her Rimadyl etc. Nothing happened for almost 4 weeks (because the vet was on vacation). Up to that point my dog barely ate and her back legs were almost limp. I took her to the vet clinic for an exam. There, all previous examinations were repeated and then it was clear that she had no hind legs and a "closed pyometra". With my consent, until then even I and the vet did not know what he had. Lena died yesterday at the clinic. Too late for surgery and would have died anyway..

Good morning, that is my friend's dog. I don't know his breed. 13 years old. He didn't eat yesterday and then he started shaking. My friend went straight to the vet. He said his uterus had suffered a complete ulcer. Paometr closed. He gave antibiotics and pain killers. Diagnosis of "lung." Today the dog is eating again and seems good. Suspicious? Where does the pus go? Vet is missing for the weekend. What else can I do? My friend is very desperate. It would be great to hear your opinion. Thank you very much in advance..

The question is how the diagnosis was made. Usually by ultrasound. Closed pousse cannot be treated with antibiotics. In my eyes, the chances of success are minimal. You will undergo surgery immediately after diagnosis, but not even the next day if blood values permit. But all this applies to confirmed diagnosis. Otherwise, I cannot determine a case that is not known to me..

My 13 week old mixed breed Great Dane has "strings of pus" on its external genitalia within 2 weeks of it urinating. The breeder claims this is the case with all young dogs and that the cause is ingestion of bacteria during urination. It is not a problem, it goes away on its own. Are things really that way? Thank you for your help..

A 13 year old German shepherd with Hippurida syndrome was recently diagnosed as an open piometrist. I wanted to save her from the full procedure because she often shakes her hind legs so much due to hind leg problems, so I was hoping that hormones combined with antibiotics would also help. Now the pyomitra has reappeared shortly after the treatment and the second 10 days of medication with Caesus 500 did not bring any definitive success. Is there any way to help my bitch with the medication? Otherwise it is still very lively and playful, but when it sleeps it often has severely spastic spasmodic fractures of the hind legs. As such..

Good evening, there are alternatives to surgery. As mentioned above, it poses serious risks. It also means pain and long recovery for the dog. What else can be done in cases of non-acute inflammation other than surgery? In fact, we refuse such intervention because of the complications, risks, pain Risk and pain. Should it always be done or what else can be tested? What happens if there is such a diagnosis and the dog is thirsty?.

Hi, my 14 year old dog was diagnosed today with ultrasonic toxicant. Due to repeated leaks, vomiting, and general poor condition we had blood work done 3 weeks ago. Her liver was priced very poorly and her pancreas was frontier. I wanted to get an ultrasound because she was drinking more and more and I wanted to make sure she was doing well. Several months had passed since her last heat wave and she had no secretions. Due to her age, the vet wanted to avoid surgery and antibiotic injections and gave me pills for 10 days. Now I have read several times that antibiotic therapy is not promising and that it is better to have surgery immediately. She also had a mild fever today. Her heart was fine and nothing unusual in addition to the price of her liver. Would you recommend surgery or how big do you think the risk of anesthesia at this age is?.

Antibiotics themselves do not mean much to me. Especially when there is no discharge. Where should the pus go? It is not possible to determine how high the risk of anesthesia is in each individual case. Surgery is simply the most effective and safest solution. The only option for me is Alidine + antibiotics. If this does not open the cervix and drain the pus, surgery is the only option anyway, unless you want to lose your dog. There is a risk of rotting..

Thank you for your reply! He has had several injections, but unfortunately I don't know if he has also had Alizin. We will find out on Monday. However, so far he has not refused. He started out feeling better and not drinking as much. I am going back to the doctor's office on Monday to see how things are going..

On February 19, my 9 year old dog had emergency surgery to remove her uterus and ovaries due to closed cystic fibrosis. The abdominal surgery wound did not heal well. (Stitches were removed after 14 days. In the meantime, the abdominal wound healed well. She eats well and walks well together. He seems to be in good health. But the moment I try to pick her up, she screams and cries and he bites me. What should I do? I am afraid he will die already..

It takes time for the abdominal wall to heal. At least 3 weeks. Of course, if the dog is having problems with wound healing, the same may be happening internally. This needs to be clarified. Other possible reasons for impaired wound healing include comorbidities such as Cushing's syndrome, bacterial colonization from the dog's licking, tearing, or dirty work. It is best to have the dog reexamined by a veterinarian..

Thank you for your reply. I will contact the veterinarian today. And I will make an appointment. So that I can have my dog carefully examined again. I hope they can find the cause of her pain. Maybe he is mentally unstable too. My dog has been suffering from epilepsy since she was 3 years old. Best regards and thank you again. And thank you again. From the bottom of my heart..

Hi, my 12 year old DD bitch had a massive pyogenic discharge right after a heatwave. After treatment with antibiotics, he showed improvement. Now he is bleeding badly. The amount is alarming. How can I help my dog? Thank you!.

Hi, our dog got hot about 2-5 days ago. She sleeps in bed and sleeps very deep, she wears a diaper so she does not get rid of everything. From Friday to Saturday she waved the diaper and then sat on her . I did not see this but my girlfriend immediately took the diaper out and wiped everything with warm water . She is still bleeding and I wonder if it could be uterine irritation or if the blood has transported the particles again! I do not have an appointment with the vet before 6 pm and scream out of fear! � � �.

Hi, my dog has a uterus payment. She is now almost 9 yrs old. She usually only notices it when she runs to her feet. We went to the doctor right away and took her to the infirmary, where we found out that her uterus was completely gone. The ultrasound showed that her uterus was completely full of pus. After 3 days in the hospital they allowed me to take her home again. It takes 500mg of cassium twice a day, breathing very heavily, eating little, and worried. I am ashamed, I already cooked her chicken with rice. She does not even eat her favorite food. Should I be worried? I think I have to give her medicine for 6 days after the surgery, after the new ultrasound. I am afraid of her..

Hello, I need help. I have a Yorkshire bitch, it is 15 years old. I went to the doctor because she has a small puddle on her side the size of a thumb. x rays were impossible because it was moving like an eel. Now I have seen that she is constantly licking and she is running pus from her vagina . I have an appointment at the vet tonight. I am very worried because I don't know what to do. It is still not lively . Will antibiotics be enough? Or does it need to be manipulated? I do not know what to do if it is not too big for recession. Hope someone can help me. Thank you very much..

In Heidi's case: antibiotics by themselves do not help with paomethiasis. At best, a combination of allidine (hormone therapy) and antibiotics can help. However, inflammation may return after the next heating. In my opinion, surgery is the only effective treatment. Of course, operating on an older, in this case sick bitch, is a dangerous risk. But if it is in good shape it is very likely to survive the surgery..

Good evening, I went to the vet today. Unfortunately, I noticed that the dog was sitting down frequently to urinate, and I was under the impression that it was probably a little painful. At home I found a yellowish express! I immediately went to the vet. He only gave antibiotics and something homeopathic, but he did not even look! Could it get worse?.

Yesterday my 9 year old shiva in bitch was diagnosed with uterine inflammation which has already changed her uterus. We mated it and I thought it was a pregnancy issue. It started almost 3 weeks after mating and it stopped eating. He absolutely would not drink anything except too much water. 5 days later I put Aletebreo in his mouth with my finger. This has been going on for 10 days. Nothing works by itself. I still give her vitamin paste and puppy milk. Yesterday our vet gave her antibiotics, painkillers and this hormone injection. Today it will inject the hormone again. Yesterday there was a slight improvement and it ate something itself, but today nothing went wrong again. It does not drink water either. I now give her everything with a syringe in her mouth. The secretion comes out very strong. But he lies, sleeps and walks very unsteadily. Lost more than 1 kg in the past 2 1/2 weeks. He also has fever. I don't know what to do. Should we finally do the surgery?.

Surgery is the safest method. Once the pus is drained after alidine, at least the cervix is open and the secretion can be drained. This is the purpose of the injection. However, the treatment of pyomitra is an abuse because it is approved only for pregnancy interruption. In swamps where general health is poor, it should be weighed if it needs to be used. If your bitch has been in poor general health for such a long time, you should of course check to see if it already has signs of decomposition or kidney failure or similar accompanying diseases. In any case it should be general blood and in my opinion this bitch should be hospitalized and in intensive care. Bud and others this disease should not be played and the dog may die from it if not treated properly..

My 13 year old Bernese has a uterine pus that was encountered with pills and antibiotics. However, she now bleeds constantly and is very responsible. My vet said she can not be given hormones and at this age will not let such a thing work. I am very concerned, I have been told that she is not a good candidate for the pus. Otherwise he is fine except for the arthritis. He eats well and is not obvious. What can I do; go to another vet? Please advise..

Good evening, my 5 year old bulldog was diagnosed with yearling endometritis 4 weeks ago, was treated with antibiotics for 14 days and neutered. During the post-op treatment she was given Allicin. Since then she has not been well and will not take anything anymore. I have to give her water with a syringe and deny everything. Should it be operational on Friday, is it possible for that condition or should the surgery be postponed?.

Our bitch rose in May. It was a pseudo girder we went to her vet. The end . He got a pulse today, June 8, 2019 and had to be vomited out just to lie down and sleep, badly done. What is there to blame for her belly ?.

I am a 7.5 year old female, not neutered. I get pregnant after each heatwave. I am always afraid of lifting signs of pyomitra. Can you determine what it means to drink a lot, I went to the bowl with water about 6 times within 2 hours. This is very important for her but perhaps not noticeable or thank you for your tips..

Hi, my 11 year old dog had very serious uterine contamination and had surgery 4 weeks ago. Aside from losing a lot of weight, everything went well. But today there are some blooming mucus stitches, is this normal?.

He also told us that we should go to the clinic and have the surgery done . My mouse is a great dane of 11 years of age and the price of liver and kidneys is not very good. I did not want to undergo surgery or anesthesia..

They gave us Cesium 500, Metrovetsan, and Pulsatilla Globulis . We were appointed at the clinic on Monday for a discussion and possibly an ultrasound (our vet could not do so because the dog was too big)..

Now, my question... If you can confirm this time (do you also ask about this algin? Monday), we may not be able to start with antibiotic therapy when the fever starts until the "dangerous" period..

Why, if I understood everything correctly, is that one of the biggest problems may come back with the next fever, but as soon as I see the first signs of bleeding I give antibiotics and prevent new ones until everything is over and not an infection?.

Hi, my dog was in pain Friday and Saturday night and went to the vet yesterday. I told the vet that her last heat was 3.7.19 and she paired on 16.7.19. I noticed that it was 30-40 days that she had secretions, last Friday I noticed that the secretions were reddish. I thought it was a sign of pregnancy. I have noticed that since the past 5 days I have had no appetite. I also have diarrhea and nausea and I vomit. Also can not bend well when touched. He is tired and weak when he is out but when he is out he acts normal . I wanted to make an ultrasound but the vet did not have the equipment. The vet examined only the vagina and showed that there was pus in the vagina. The vet said he had a pure uterus, which prompted the vet to remove the ovaries and uterus. He also said that due to the uterine fracture the baby should be dead. I fear the baby is still alive and that there is another cause for the pus. I have these doubts because no ultrasound was done..

Hi, my dog was treated with antibiotics a few weeks ago for a uterine, bladder and vaginal infection. The ultrasound showed it was not visible pus; after a week the independent one was mostly healed. Now my bitch has fluid in its lactic acid conductor and I think it is pseudo. I have metrobetan at home. But now I do not know if I can give it or perhaps should do another ultrasound to clarify if the inflammation is really completely healed..

Good evening, our 7 year old dog may have a pure uterus, but the symptoms indicate this. Unfortunately, we have come to this conclusion. It was just appetite and a little boredom because for 2 hours there was so much discharge, which is quickly eliminated. Unfortunately, the vet will not be open until 8 am tomorrow morning. It will come when you call it, can we wait that long or do you need emergency service?.

In June 2018, there was no bleeding, but there was a mild eczema on the side of the dog's vagina, then a slight thickening of one side of the vagina and constant scratching. I treated it myself with betaisodonna, but also called the hospital. According to the veterinarian, false eclampsia occurred, followed by a lot of milk flow and then bleeding. These occurred when the dog was found in the cage in the morning or when the dog was jumping around. The dog was licking itself excessively due to the milk production. At first the bleeding was not visible to the veterinarian. He took pictures of the scene with his cell phone. Later he saw it in the examining room. Thank you!.

Hi, yesterday my dog had surgery for uterine inflammation. All the symptoms matched except for the fever. Exactly 11 years ago, after the surgery, I took your daughter from the doctor's office. They explained to me that his uterus was not inflamed but very oily. Well, he survived the surgery fine, they said. Last night it was obvious he wanted to sleep well, but I am slowly starting to get worried, because I have been told that the dog has been sleeping in the same place for the past few days, and that he is not going to sleep well. The dog has not moved a meter. She drinks and eats a little, but only when I put her in front of me. Now he just got up for the first time and immediately collapsed again. My question is, did he need a day or two because of contraindications due to the surgery or is there something wrong with him? I know they can't see the animal but from experience can a dog walk again 24 hours after surgery? Thanks..

The animal will be discharged only if it is able to walk again. This usually happens a few hours after surgery. Fever often goes with cystic fibrosis. However, if there is no inflammation of the uterus, it appears that your dog did not have cystic fibrosis. So the question for me is, what was operated on there? What diagnosis was made?.

Hi, my dog Mira Yorkie had an open firefighter who came out with a lot of pus but without fever and was operated on right after the vet change. Previous vet gave only antibiotics and had to go back 2 days later, did not want to perform x ray or ultrasound. When I asked her about the surgery she just told me she did not need it. My dog had been running since July for a long time and was running again in October. He was at the vet constantly. The new vet immediately operated on her and examined her uterus. She was full of pus and she would most definitely die. The operation went very well, but after 4 days a lot of water came out of the wound in the abdominal wall. And something also came out of the vagina, it looked like blindness. So I went to the vet who was operating every other day to check. He was also a little confused coming out of the wound. But he also said with the inside stitches everything was ok. Today, 10 days later, a little ash is still coming out of the bay, not from the scar for 2 days. She never had a fever before or after the surgery, she always ate and drank something when she was given something to eat or drink. The trauma of being struck was not tied to the bandage from the beginning. This is due to the fact that it is infected and that is why this rolled water was created. I tied it with a gauze bandage and gauze compression so that when I went for a walk nothing could get in. I left 3 days ago on the vet's advice . He wears narthex on his neck and he has never licked it. He will be on antibiotics for another 5 days. Birgit greetings courtesy to all dog owners. It may be better to obtain a second opinion and perhaps accept serious surgery than if it is too late..

Accumulation of water in a wound always occurs when there is a cavity or when there is a lot of movement in the tissue. Sprinkle abdominal surgery with a total of 4 layers on top of each other. This may not have happened here or may have relaxed the medial sutures. This is speculation. Use plaster for the first 2-3 days and then no special protection. Only a collar or body suit as leak protection..

Last Monday, after a 3 day visit to the vet and animal clinic, my 10 year old borderline had an open pyometra and was removed by the uterus in emergency surgery. It was very irrigated because there was already pus in the belly. On Friday there was still very great inflammation and very little red blood cells. In the evening I found a red hot hand size area under the skin of her body. Unfortunately, I am not near a vet. Tomorrow she is starting to recover for her own albumen surgery. I am worried about infection from bacteria in her abdominal cavity. Should I go to the vet clinic here tomorrow?.

As Dr. wrote. Reuter happened and my bitch Pearl thrived in March we had to go to the vet we took antibiotics and it was ok but the doctor said that if it came back it would be even worse because my sun bathing got worse again in October from the bay. I was with her in the morning she still did her work she tilted her head . She drank and drank food but nothing went out with her at noon . Last night, the loudness she didn't do for hours was nothing that had to kill my little Sunbeam. He was 15 1/2 and proceeded to 23.25 on the Rainbow Bridge. It was a wonderful friendship I will never forget..

Hi our dog has been very thirsty for 3 days and is very weak with diarrhea, so much pee unmanageable. She comes out of her vagina a little more than when she is hot. More when she is shopping and when she is upright ..

Good evening, Our dog, a 15 year old Jack Russell, became ill due to a time change. However, this only lasted a day or two, she fainted, did not want to eat, and then returned to perfectly normal for the next few days, so we were not worried at first. She is already old, has arthritis, is a bit paranoid, and occasionally has days when she is not in a very good mood. She started bleeding 2 weeks ago. I actually thought the bleeding started a month ago, but I thought I was wrong because she was very clear and I actually only saw her bleed for a day or two. She had a discharge for a week or two, as she always does at the end of her period, but was cleaning more than usual and on Thursday I found two watery beige, but odorless drops on her blanket. I took her to the vet on Friday and was told her uterus was festering. He could not take her temperature because she went completely crazy, I had never seen anything like that with her before. I will try again tomorrow Monday and take some blood. She is scheduled for surgery on Thursday and will be on antibiotics until then. I have read in other books that it looks like cystic fibrosis because of the discharge, but it is actually oozing out of the dog and has a smell. She does not have it. She had no diarrhea or vomiting. The vet did not mention anything about an ultrasound, so I will ask him tomorrow. In my research I also read about vaginitis and I have the impression that her vagina is particularly sensitive and itches when licked, so is that what vaginitis is? Is there any way to tell from the symptoms? Thank you very much..

ADDENDUM: After taking her to the vet this morning and asking him to make an ultrasound, she referred me to another doctor. Fortunately, the appointment could have taken place this afternoon, which would have been a difficult and painful time for us. At the same time, he did blood tests. The ultrasound showed that my uterus was slightly full and my blood levels were perfectly normal. He also checked certain hormones and she was fine too. He said she most likely had vaginitis, but technically everything was fine. My dog will make another ultrasound next Monday to be light safe, but the doctor found that it is not the beginning of pyomitra. I hope my experience helps someone else. Either way we are all flaring up and exhausted from the past few days!.

The uterus should not really be filled. It does not matter if blood levels are normal or not. In addition to thickening there is blood accumulation (hemolysis) or mucus (mucosa). Both are pathological. I have yet to see a bloody vaginitis. However, bleeding from a vaginal tumor should be ruled out..

My 9 year old Rottweiler bitch had emergency total surgery about 6 weeks ago to remove a 4 lb tumor (I took 4 months ago). She still vomits daily. This means that her food is too much to hold then vomit. I must say I did not have a good commission when I got it. Also, she has worms in her lungs and her mammary glands need to be removed. But now I am not packing this. What about the vomiting and what can be done about it ? Estimated, Belinda Wietow..

My 13 month old Grand Canis bitch has been hot twice and now right after the 17th day of heat she has greasy fluid. Vet gave her TSO 80 mg plus 400 plus 400 for 5 days without injection. Her uterus is still open. Can it be cured or should I expect complications and possible surgery? I really did not want to sterilize it..

Our staff mix bitch needed to have emergency surgery after her first REDA (1 year). Unfortunately there were pyometors that were not recognized by the 2 vets. All went well and our bitch was fine again. Now, almost a year later, I have noticed abnormal atony, withdrawal, more drinking, very attached, loss of appetite, vomiting, painful praying in cold conditions, more common in warmer temperatures, etc. However, all this was not a permanent situation. But this was not permanent. I consulted the vet. Blood work was fine, X-rays were fine. Abdominal pain was found, lymph nodes were swollen (?). The vet said that the pain was not permanent and that it could be due to the pancreatitis. Diagnosed with suspected pancreatitis. Limited nutrition, medications. The symptoms improved. Attacks on leash have not improved. Also noticed a very swollen/projected vagina. 2-3 open spots on sleep pad. Examination at vet clinic - ultrasound OK. several things need to be observed and if necessary, should be clarified/examined periodically, including if the vagina is reopened, including coating. Test/ ultrasound was done yesterday - today I noticed whitish shooting/ falling of vagina..

Yes, there is likely ovarian tissue and this can cause problems. Various parameters can be used to determine castration status or to rule out ovarian syndrome (OR). In addition to clinical and cytological examination of the vagina, measurement of antimirea hormone can be very useful. If ovarian remnant occurs, it should definitely be reworked..

Our 12 year old bitch has had purple discharge since yesterday. Otherwise, there are no typical pyomatous symptoms. We went to the emergency clinic yesterday. There was an ultrasound. No ovarian remnant was found. Slight inflammation of the uterus. He was castrated 11 years ago in Romania. The doctor said it was dull paometry, injected broad-spectrum antibiotics and gave other antibiotics for 10 days. If it does not get better it will have to be operated on, which is very worrisome since our dog has had epileptic reactions to anesthesia in the past. During the dental surgery she woke up badly and had to be awakened. Are there any other treatment possibilities? Is the process ok? Thank you for the dark picks..

In fact, without ovarian residuals, it is not possible to develop paometor. Surgery is the only logical treatment. If there is a problem with narcosis (and I doubt a crisis is even likely to occur, for it can happen), then that should be the focus. In any case, IV catheter, intubation, inhalation, monitoring, appropriate appropriate control medications. And of course, pre-op blood work..

My bitch made ONP - it is very sensitive - everything happened on Thursday, today it did bad very hard, and after putting it for a while, then there were 2 light bloods and maybe a ruptured vein, tomorrow a visit to the doctor is enough..

Hi, my dog is 9 years old, she has been in the hospital for a couple of months now. As soon as she did her labor, in the past 3 days she still bleeds relatively dark blood, sometimes with clots inside. I called the vet and he said this could happen. However, after the ride I noticed that the bleeding was more intense. Otherwise it behaves relatively normally, but often I worry and fret if it is still normal to sleep for 3 hours at a time, etc. I am just not sure as otherwise it could happen. Otherwise I am just uncertain because her fever is "normal"..

My 13 year old Goldenredriver Labrador Lady went to the vet yesterday. My vet wrote her antibiotics for her uterus. She has lost a lot of brown fluid ever since. She is also sprouting a lot now. Is this normal?.

I went to the vet and was diagnosed with uterine and rug inflammation. Surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. Shouldn't the surgery be urgent and immediate? I was given antibiotics. That is sufficient. The fever rises. He is worried if it will take much time..

Hi, Our 2 1/2 year old dog often has mucus in his stools when he eats rats or stools from other dogs. He has also been treated with apopexy and antibiotics for inflammation. Then he was fine again. Recently it was elevated. But we are not sure. He behaves as usual when he is elevated but this time he is not bleeding or very clean. When he was worse the second time, there were only a few drops. Only when she rose the first time she had a lot of diarrhea and mucus in her feces. for 3 days he went out at night for an echo. Now we do not know if they are increasing or not but the male dog shows no interest in her. He also sleeps a lot after we come out again at night . But this always happens for only 3 nights. Then it is over and we can go out again during the day. What we don't know exactly is whether it is currently increasing or a very false false false rise. Or if it is a fever in the uterus . Because there is still mux in the stool and around the stool like a shell. We are a dead end! Best regards and hope you can help us..

Hi, my 12 year old collie granny was waiting in january and january 25, 2020. after 2-3 weeks he started having incontinence. on april 20, 2020 he had an open pyometra emergency surgery. he was diagnosed as having a stool stool and was given a stool with a stool in it. he was given a stool with a stool in it. he was given a stool with a stool in it. According to the doctor he had 10 times swelling. My question, is it possible for a bitch to have this pyometry by Feb 22, 2020? I ask why it is related to insurance. Thanks in advance!.

Hi, on Friday my bitch was diagnosed with open contamination of the uterus. There was a lot of blood pus running through her reproductive organs. They are currently on antibiotics and were spayed on Monday. Despite the open inflammation, is there an increased risk? Should we insist on previous surgery? Is it normal to have much less secretion after antibiotics? I hope with a simple answer..

Hi, I have a 6 year old dog. Due to my much research my dog has acute pyometor. But I live with resin 4 and for the first time I can only go to the vet for 50 euros. Very close to the diagnosis. Where can I pay for this in doses of 50 euros or can you help me..

If your dog has acute piometor, it should be operated on immediately (or treated with hormones). I am sorry for your financial situation, but your veterinarian cannot expect you to act as a credit agency (and usually is not interested). Thus, it is difficult to find someone who will accept payment in installments, especially without a large deposit. After all, you are responsible as a dog owner and your pet must be prepared for such medical cases without any disadvantages. The best solution to this is health insurance or surgery if you do not have a high level one. As I said, it is not the vet's job to smooth over the owner's financial problems, so you need to look for a parent relative or friend to see if you can collect the money. You also have to pay rent, salary, medications, supplies, electricity, taxes, etc. but don't exhale. I know affected pet owners do not want to hear that..

My dog had an emergency on Thursday. There, a 2kg pullent uterus and ovaries were removed. She eats, drinks and takes antibiotics. Now I notice that her citrus is thick, hard, warm and dripping yellow liquid. How will this be when all this is removed? Thank you very much for your answer lg birthe..

My dog is only 3 yrs old and has fever periods in April and October. Now I thought she was elevated because her vagina is swollen but this time there are white drops hanging from her vagina . When sitting in dark pants with me there are white spots. Is this inflammation?.

Good evening, my mouse is operating and this is already back @home. It is still pretty much done with the world, it raises a little fever again combined with chills and pain. I have now given her advance antibiotics and pain killers..

@Birthe, this could be a case of udder inflammation. Your bitch may have been pseudo (post heating period often coincides with pyomitra growth). It is best to present this to your colleague. Hormones do not suddenly disappear from the body after surgery..

@Merji depends on the condition in which the animal was operated on, how early the disease was recognized, which blood values change, etc. Perioperative management is also important. Perioperative management (injections, appropriate analgesic therapy, etc.) can also be decisive for success, not the surgery itself..

My dog had her uterus and ovaries removed 7 days ago. Her uterus is full of pus and now she has been carrying serum for 3 days and she is not improving. We are still finding it very hard to do what we can to help her do better for us..

Hi, my dog (4 yrs old) has yellow/green secretions since he last had a heat wave. During the last burn I was under the impression that he was not bleeding as much as usual. Thanks lg silke for your answer..

My Labrador (8 yrs old) had full surgery 14 days ago for a very glorious uterus. The surgery went well and the bitch is doing well again. Do I need to wait for any changes due to the removal of the ovaries as the hormones are very imbalanced? Does the bitch still have a normal life expectancy? Thank you very much for your answers..

My little bitch Chihuahua weighs 7 yrs old and was removed 2 days ago because she was full and in bad shape for 4 days. We took her home the same night and were already waiting for things to get better. But not so, he does not eat anything anymore. He drinks a little and gets weaker. The clinic can do nothing but wait. She needs painkillers and antibiotics. Her heart is so big they don't want to put her in the bathroom. Her blood work was normal from the start, she has no fever. Can you advise me if there is anything I can do?.

Hi, my 10 year old puppy had an acute uterine infection in May/June due to her age and her little nose, the vet recommended not to have surgery. She was treated with hormone injections and was cured again. Now they have been on fire again for 2 weeks. On Friday we went back to check and the uterus has already changed a bit since Bruna has been on caesium and painkillers in pill form. Unfortunately she has now vomited for the first time, she always stretches her hind legs back and her secretions seem to be white and clear. Her belly is very tight. There is a next appointment to check next Friday. If it gets worse, you should of course come earlier. Do you want to take her to the vet again for the morning feast? I am very afraid of the bronze! :((The last one was already hell and I was very desperate, but they diagnosed it very slowly because I told them first that it was a bladder infection... :( LG Claudia..

I wanted to thank her again but the clinic was waiting so we visited a vet who offered emergency services. They gave her an injection under the skin and injected her with something else. They stopped all medications except antibiotics and Novalgin replaced them with Metacam at a very low dose. He also ruled out appetite stimulants. When she stopped vomiting I boiled beef broth and carefully injected it into her mouth with a small syringe. Today she woke up again eating on her own for the first time and is better! Thank you so much for your help! Without her encouragement I would not have gone to another doctor!.

Update: I went to the vet with Bruna this morning and stopped the Caesy and got her on Xeden 50mg once a day, 2-3 times a day and MCP AL10 once a day for nausea. Today it already weighs 7.3 kg! On Friday it was still 6.8 kg. Normal daily diet was needed, but the pills (cesium and onsior) were wrapped in a small liver sausage - that's it. It is really strange to get 500 g over the weekend..

My bitch had her uterus removed 6 days ago because the ultrasound was wet there. She did not eat and was recognized 10 weeks after her second wait. Her blood values are excellent, her scars are completely healed and bar as if nothing happened, but she does not eat anymore. No apparent reason according to the vet. Is it still possible to get pregnant despite the surgery?.

My 9.5-old Chow Chow Chow had a fever of 41 degrees. After an overnight stay at my clinic, they gave it home for further monitoring. Her general situation was very bad. She had not lied for 3 hours, her head was almost on the floor, her tongue was out, she was hugging and her tail was down. I thought he was ready to collapse.3 hours later I went back to the clinic and asked them to operate on her. It was Friday the next day and I was told at the clinic it was not an emergency and that they did not have time for me today. It was a very bad situation though. The doctor also reported problems with my back or neck and further tests were done. I insisted she must have surgery immediately because she had not eaten anything for 5 days, she was just drunk and she was operated on Saturday. They then put her under surveillance for 4 nights and further examinations, not sure why. Neck, back, blood, etc. Total is 3000 francs, not 800-1500 as I was told. What do you think? I think the dog had to have surgery on Friday, even though it was in very bad condition, i was put off..

I cannot estimate here which exam was done and why it was done if necessary. I ask you to understand this, because I am not sure if you are aware of this, and I am not sure if you are. Also, it is not my responsibility to judge the therapist's process. Answers to your questions can be found in the article or questions above..

Hi, my 10.5-IER-ELD bitch had an emergency piometra surgery 20 days ago, she is fine, but since then she is still bleeding in drops from the vagina, the vet believes this could happen and has given antibiotics again. Finally?.

Hi, my 12 year old bitch was diagnosed with mommy volume and metastasis in June 2020. Vet advised not to do surgery, got 30mg ocoxin and 2 drops of 20% CBD oil twice a day. And according to the vet, she needs emergency business. But due to her age and previous ailments she advised me not to do so and now we are on meds. He just lies there and drinks a lot and has not eaten anything since yesterday..

Thanks again for your info, I visited my vet in the morning and told him to try the meds for at least a few days! Norocran gets 500mg twice a day, Famtidine once at least 2 hours after the first drug, as a supplemental food, and it gave me ReaktivFlüssigTonicum the moment I got the supplemental food because he does not eat food at all, and the next appointment is Wednesday the 17th of this month, but if she gets worse, I can always pass by! I hope there is still hope! mfg hek bela..

This will not work. You waste precious time, your dog gets worse and will definitely not start eating. Thus, the conditions for a successful operation will worsen. Cure with progesterone hiera liston + antibiotic antagonist or go straight to the operating room. Antibiotics alone will not work. I cannot medically support more waiting..

Thank you for the advice my bitch is operating on today and thank you for the successful surgery. Two hours after the surgery much better, the uterus and ovaries were removed and no more bleeding. Now you need to monitor and check for the next 10-14 days and hope it will be better and can stay with us for a few more months. Thanks again for your tips you saved my bitch's life!.

Dear Mrs. Reuter! Please contact me again! It has been almost 6 days since my dog had her surgery! The first medication takes Noroclav 500mg twice a day, 2-3 hours after getting the Enteroform gel (I think it's gastroprotective). My concern is that he is eating almost nothing at this point. She usually drinks water at night. She is crying and whimpering as if she is crying. I watch her daily for signs and see if her belly is swollen but that has not happened yet. Best time is early morning when you dont even notice it is sick. I have another appointment on Thursday to remove the stitches! My concern is that she will not eat her delicacy, dried chicken fillet snacks. mfg hek bela..

I cannot remotely make a diagnosis, and it is not for this blog. If the dog does not eat 6 days after surgery my first approach is to immediately check the kidney values. It may be painful. I don't know what they will give. you can give up to 3 extra times a day to N. But my first step is to get kidney values and inflammation under control right away. But oct or clinic is responsible for these questions..

Hi, my 12 year old old bitch had uterine inflammation for the second time after heating season. She has mamalchikoma throughout her uterus. It is ok, he eats but he drinks a lot. Not sure if she should have surgery? If the cancer is worse..

How do you know it is a carcinoma? The probability is only 50%. It is impossible to diagnose without histological examination! Tumors do not worsen with surgery. If at the time of operation the condition permits, if metastases are ruled out, the uterus should be operated on. And, of course, the tumor must be considered. Surgery is the only thing that makes sense..

My dog came to the clinic on Sunday as an emergency and suddenly vomited yellow blood from the bay and no longer wanted to walk. He was immediately operated on for inflammation of the uterus. After the surgery, his inflammation levels increased and he was given plasma and 3 antibiotics. It was very un and painful and breathing became very heavy. She was offered a blood transfusion and pain killers. I do not want my dog to suffer. I don't know if it will help her at all or only help the clinic. So far, there have been 3600 e-costs. is it possible to save a dog in that situation at 14 years old? Thanks..

Good evening, my dog (10 yrs old) was diagnosed with ultrasound, inflammation of the uterus and was already placed in the stomach. He had surgery the same day immediately and survived the surgery very well. Its priced all well, is good and eats very well with good delicacies and drinks. My question is why is he still drinking so much? And he may inadvertently reduce his urine. Is this due to removal of the uterus? Or is it due to drugs against bacteria and especially against inflammation? Thank you very much in advance..

Hi, my 9 year old bitch has had no fever or bleeding for several days! The bay is still very swollen! Today I noticed that it has permanent yellow drops in the vagina! Thick, I think it's a push! I have read everywhere that inflammation of the uterus only develops after a few weeks!!!! Like I said, my bitch only stopped bleeding for about 3-4 days ! !!! What is this? Are there already signs of uterine inflammation? I hope to answer! Best regards from Lara Campeau..

No thanks. The wound healed very well. She was given antibiotics for 5 days. The vet's post-op care is actually complete. She has no fever and no abdominal injury. Now I saw today that it bleeds from the vulva. It is not strong. Licks clearly as a heat wave (it was always light and always cleaned alone). He does this despite the collar. Maybe that is why I saw it now. Is this a problem? My vet is on vacation right now..

Hi, my 6 year old bitch was hot until 7 weeks ago. Since then it is very leg-like, soft and very sleepy (thus is always after heat, probably due to pregnancy). However, for a few days it seems to be gaining weight (although I have reduced the amount of food a bit), otherwise the very thin hips have almost disappeared (although the scale only shows 300 grams above). He eats normally and doesn't drink much. So far I have not found any purple discharge. Do I still need to go to the vet for precautionary reasons for the "thick" hips? If so, is it enough to wait until Monday or would it be better to go to emergency services over the weekend?.

Hi Reiter, My nearly 15 year old Westie Miracle was diagnosed today with uterine inflammation. I noticed some discharge yesterday. She has no fever. Otherwise happy so far. Due to previous illnesses (tumor in bladder, liver from hell, etc.) no surgery will be performed. Instead, today and tomorrow she will be injected by a drug that eliminates pus from the uterus with contractions. Antibiotics are also available. The vet told me that the inflammation will most likely recur. But it also know some cases where it worked. Well, I already thought that the year was nothing good. But when death shows signs again, you are surprised. During my research I fell upon you, and I would like to congratulate you. You will definitely invest a lot of time here - free of charge - and you will definitely save many lives with your tips. It is wonderful to have people like you. Thank you!.

I have a question regarding a 6 yr old female Nufundland. She was diagnosed with uterine inflammation 2 weeks after her last breastfeeding and was immediately sterilized. 3 months later I feel as if her last breastfeeding was never over. She acts as if she is still in the last stages of breastfeeding. He is interested in the reindeer, he does not hear well, he is not so interested in playing and is not as happy and repressed as usual when he is not immortal. Is it possible to be mentally stuck in 4 months because due to illness could not leave properly? Is there such a thing? Best regards, MFG Petra..

According to our vet, our dog (Jack Russell) is 9 1/2 years old, has had blood work done and has elevated white blood cells (22000). For this reason there was X-Ray and ultrasound.1 day later she was operated on in the morning. One day later she was operated on in the morning, her uterus and ovaries had to be removed because everything was inflammatory. He survived the surgery well and after 14 days the stitches were removed. during the X-Ray, a flower was observed near the spine and the vet said it was very hard to reach. The vet said it was very hard to find. Now he did another blood test and the physician's assistant said it was unchanged and its level of inflammation was still high. What is this? Our dog is in excellent physical condition, eats and drinks, enjoys going for walks and is always happy to see his other canine friends. Might it take time for blood levels to return to normal after such an operation? Yesterday he jumped while playing and now he did a little, is this due to surgery? I will definitely talk to the vet again tomorrow. But do you know of any similar cases, why the blood values (elevated white blood cells) are what they are? Thank you very much in advance. Thanks, Nicole Hegone and Waujis Sisi and Harry..

Hi, I have a problem with my daughter's HTA. Today I went to the HTA and injected her with antibiotics with the need to repeat within 24 hours. Hoping that the cervix will open and drain the pus. Due to the amount in her spleen, I am now recommending that she not undergo surgery. What do you think about the surgery? Best regards..

This is not a counseling gate, but my composition is clear, surgery for paraplegia and simultaneous splenectomy with pathological examination. Only 50% of splenic lesions are malignant, but benign and malignant lesions can rupture and bleeding of the dog can result in death. Thus, it is a time bomb that beats red. In the case of hemangiosarcoma, I advise chemotherapy as it may double the survival time..

First of all, thank you for your prompt response. The diagnosis was a random finding after an ultrasound at the vet clinic on 11/20. They advised me to do the same but I got a different opinion which included a hat. Hat advised me not to do it because a dog this age probably cannot do well without a spleen. Now I am very divided again. What is the right thing to do? �..

Hi, I have an American drop Akita bitch that first came to wait when they were 8 months old. Just 3 months later he got up and came back. After about 14 days the bleeding stopped (the first time he had ever waited) but started again 3 days later. Today is day 20 of her lembi and bleeding. The blood is light and odorless. Its general condition is normal, thirst and appetite are normal. Should I be worried or is everything still within the burning range? Thanks for your comment, I will try to answer your question..

Hi, my almost 12 year old bitch had my uterus, breast and lymph nodes removed 5 days ago. He needs antibiotics and pain killers. But he does not drink and does not want to walk. I walk her. Then immediately go back to lie down. Is this normal after 5 days?.

Good morning! Perhaps someone has experienced vaginitis in an early spayed bitch (may not be the correct wording. Ovaries were removed before her first combustion). She is now 13 1/2 and had bloody vaginitis in the spring of 202 which was quickly controlled with 2 weeks of cesium treatment; in July the same thing happened with a leak and pink mucus came out; in July she had a leak and pink mucus came out; in July she had a leak and pink mucus came out; in July she had a leak and pink mucus came out. The vet at the vet clinic did an endoscopy to clean up the mucus and at various points did an IP. Pathology report was fine. Now it is late January and yesterday my bitch Brilliard started licking again and a little pink mucus came out. I have not read anywhere that anyone has mentioned pink bloody mucus. Is this unusual? I have a human antibiotic in the house that has a composition of 875 mg amoxicillin and 135 mg clavolanic acid. Can I give her this (divided for 2 people)?.

Hi, I have a question, my bitch is 12 years old and had her uterus and ovaries removed 4 weeks ago. Because everything is covered with pus and now it looks like she is pregnant again..

Hi, first of all thanks for valuing our concerns. My golden lekker bitch, 10 years old, had an open pyomet last summer (while on vacation) without a medium no. The first thing I noticed was repeated bleeding at one point she began to embrace the symptoms and a visit to the vet prevented it from getting worse. She was taken back to her old self. Now Shiva has been bleeding again for about 7-8 weeks (there is a pause and no further symptoms). To avoid the worst, I went to the vet here about 3.5 weeks ago and told her about my fears. He suggested doing a blood test as inflammation was detected and slight bleeding up to 12 weeks is normal. 2 days later I received positive results that my bitch had complete and full general blood with no abnormalities. Yesterday afternoon Shiva's behavior changed within hours and the next day I immediately went to the vet. I really broke out and was almost angry that my bitch needed blood poisoning and needed urgent intervention. By then ultrasound or X-Ray was a foreign concept and he wanted to look into it first. When he analyzed the X-Ray he rushed back with the words "not as bad as I thought". Of course, I would consider doing an operation to avoid recurrence; I hope the antibiotic "clavaseptin 500mg" combined with Metripvelsan and Melamizoltbl will help very quickly. My question is, can such disease/inflammation be detected or how early? I was so happy when the blood test showed that my shiva was in excellent condition, LG and best for you..

Conservative treatment of Pyometra never works in the long run in my opinion. That is why I always advise castration. Irregular or prolonged periods during heat are not normal but always a sign of hormonal disturbance. Changes in organ prices should not be expected in pyometry. As for inflammation, it depends on which parameters are used for clarification. White blood cells are often not elevated even in severe uterine inflammation. CRP, on the other hand, is elevated in systematic tests. We do not know if that has been investigated. For the above reasons, presence is detected by ultrasound, not by blood tests. < Span> Conservative treatment of Pyometra never works in the long run in my opinion. That is why I always advise castration. Irregular or prolonged periods during heat are not normal but always a sign of hormonal disturbance. Changes in organ prices should not be expected in pyometry. As for inflammation, it depends on which parameters are used for clarification. White blood cells are often not elevated even in severe uterine inflammation. CRP, on the other hand, is increased by systematic testing. We do not know if this has been checked or not. For the above reasons, the presence of pyoMitra is detected by ultrasound, not by blood tests. Conservative treatment of pyomitra is never practiced in the long run in my opinion. That is why I always advise castration. Irregular or prolonged periods during heat are not normal but are always signs of hormonal disorders. Changes in organ prices should not be expected in pyometry. As for inflammation, it depends on which parameters are used for clarification. White blood cells are often not elevated even in severe uterine inflammation. CRP, on the other hand, is elevated in systematic tests. We do not know if that has been investigated. For the above reasons, presence is detected by ultrasound, not by blood tests..

My mini bull terrier dear Dr. Leila was in very bad shape, oddly enough he had diarrhea and threw up. She was soft and that she injected her pain and I had to wait 30 minutes. after 30 minutes she gave her some pain killers and told her that if she did not get better the next day was better, she could not hold food or drink inside her and suddenly Started losing purple excrement I went back to the vet and immediately she gave an injection against the nausea and injection and made an ultrasound which showed a full complete matrix. I corrected him with pills and asked if he could repair the pills, fearing anesthesia. He said he was very advanced and probably would not survive the pills. It took me a few seconds to decide. Her chance of survival was 30%:00 she allowed me to lift her up, she was completely faded, she really could not stabilize me I put her in her blankets in the house, and I was right next to her on her pillow while she untied her head. Her eyes were always so open because I loved her s and talked to her and rained her mouth with a little water. In the morning she was still lying as I put her in the basket but she was dead ... She was cold and stable. I may have made the wrong decision and did not have to make this intervention but had to choose a tablet it hurt so much..

I am very sorry for the loss of your dog. In any case, the decision to operate was correct. There is no possibility to treat with pills. Usually there is no hormone therapy or even antibiotics. But in my opinion, such a critical patient should not be taken home, but should continue to be admitted as an internal patient. hrd. pyomitra is a life-threatening condition, and just because it "came alive from surgery" does not mean the bitch has unraveled. He is currently an intensive care patient! And the intensive care of the patient is not owned at home, if he can not walk or eat again. Equipment prices need to be monitored. In addition, there is the risk of blood poisoning due to organ deficiency..

Oh, Doctor, what can I say now? First of all, thank you for getting my painful thought that it is the wrong decision. I trusted the doctor when he said I could get it now ... It is so bad and I am so sorry she can no longer do anything about it..

I do not blame my colleagues here. I have never seen the dog! I keep patients who are not yet in good standing as internal patients for safety reasons . This does not mean that despite medical care they do not die in the room. Unfortunately paometry can be fatal if not recognized in a timely manner. You must remember that at that point you are really operating a seriously ill dog. And you need to know all the possible complications..

My 2 year old bitch has waited 3 times so far, once for uterine inflammation and a third time for severe pregnancy. Now we recommend sterilizing it. Since endoscopic castration seems to be gentle we would like to castrate in this way. The uterus is not removed at the same time. What are the chances of further uterine infection if the uterus is not removed in a bitch that appears to be prone to them? Many greetings..

Hi, my 12 year old dog Chihuahua had emergency surgery for a closed paometry on Wednesday and was told she had over 36, 000 of inflammation. They allowed us to take her home after the surgery but she had not eaten or drank anything on Thursday so they injected her. Today, Friday, we took her to the vet again and were told the inflammation had doubled by about 60, 000. She is now on antibiotics and vitamin injections and has to be injected for another 4 hours. No one will talk to us, what does this mean for my baby girl? Is her life in danger? What if the outbreak of inflammation does not recede? I am really scared. Thank you for your comments!.

Hi, my very old bitch mixed tacun 20.5 years old has pure secretions since this morning. She is in the final stages of cirrhosis, heart defects, her kidneys are unfortunately in pretty bad shape. (Kidney stones, etc.)) we have wanted to sleep several times. Her general condition is very ug/ weak with little to no eating, losing a lot of weight and shaking frequently, unfortunately the doctors are sorry for her. As soon as she enters the clinic she runs like a tarantula, she is still running because she understands the vet thinks she is fine. She steps out in front of the basket for reassurance and no one sees it but us. Now, I again give a lot of money for an emergency clinic and need a lot of money for ultrasound and meds instead of promoting it and getting it over with. What should the dog endure until he is finally put out of his misery?.

Hi, our 9 year old female has been neutered since late 2019 and both ovaries have been removed. However, we always have the feeling that we are keeping the cycle going (e.g., it really is time to wait, it marks, it makes a shawl when it smells other marks, and acts more aggressively towards other dogs. But her behavior is the same as when she was waiting. We did a hormone test in mid-2020 and she was completely indifferent so we assume the ovaries were removed. This year our bitch has secretions. At first it was clear and odorless, but for the past 3-4 days it has been yellow and very sticky, but also odorless. The bitch's behavior today is indifferent. It is restless and may be due to heat. And it has back pain in the area of the sacred bone, but it has that too. Without secretion, we would not have paid much attention to these signs. Is it possible that our dog suffers from Paomethol? We have already appointed with two veterinarians, so we will definitely check it on the spot. What should we do? General blood, ultrasound, vaginal coating, urinalysis; best regards thank you very much..

My bitch (Azaba) is 13.10 yrs old. Since last burning, has been bleeding and hemorrhaging for 8 weeks. Would a birthing infusion help to get rid of the accumulated clots? Thank you for your appreciation and best sigrid greetings..

Hi, the vet diagnosed my 12 year old chihuahua with uterine inflammation. .... I dont even know what to do with this decision... My doctor gave me metacam and clavaseptin for 10 days and he told me to worry ... It is dangerous, but we leave it, it will get worse and the inevitable will happen - I have to kill her when the time comes. What are the chances of surviving surgery, with a kidney of low value and heart failure? And even after that? What about the healing process for a dog of such value? I am really at a dead end. I will get another vet tomorrow, but I know it will hurt. That is exactly what I do not want! His heart is devastated and his kidneys are not ok..

Our bitch schnauzer is 13 next Feb and has been waiting for the past 2 years but is a little erratic at times. Now it is getting worse and bleeding. at the end of October, ultrasound showed that one ovary is swollen - rhyme, uv ovary 3. 3 cm * 2. 2 cm. our vet advises to remove ovary and uterus after heat wave early next year because of increased risk of uterine inflammation which is very likely to occur We trust our vet. We trust our vet but do not know if the risk of surgery / uterine infection is not as high as surgery. Therefore, while your assessment is helpful, we know that it is impossible to diagnose the distance. The above factors are also the only factors that are critical to the operation..

If there is a peripheral increase in the ovary, this means that there is a suspicious amount. For me, this is always a sign of surgery, and as soon as possible. Without knowing the case, I cannot say more. I do not worry about pyometers, I worry about volume..

Hi, my bitch had her uterus removed 3 days ago due to uterine inflammation ... Now she is wearing a body suit ... Wanted to ask if it is better to remove the plaster to allow the wound to dry out when wet with blood and wound water?.

My dog (6 yrs old, labradoodle) waited in August and by the end of October had a swollen area of genitalia with little to no mucus discharge, brown discharge. After the thyroid was checked, it lost so much hair (substrate and epithelial hair) that made the vaginal coating (negative) and uterine ultrasound. In the uterus, a small amount of fluid (rather mucus) was found less than 1 cm. If there is no pus, what does it mean if there is no mucus in the uterus? Is this a precursor to inflammation? Is there an increased risk of inflammation or does it mean something completely different? Does it affect hormones and hair condition? The whole thing is not clear to me and I would be very grateful for answers because sterilization is an option..

Good evening:) my 8 year old dog Pagredy had her uterus removed yesterday. After inflammation. It is totally upsetting as she did not sleep all night . The vet gave her nothing so I asked 3 times. Antibiotics? He said no, they are all injectable and won't be needed after tomorrow, right?.

Our bitch had her uterus removed 5 days ago. Today our boss gave her 3 short walks and when we entered the house fell the house. Can you advise me on what to do without going to the hospital? Any advice would be appreciated..

My Toypoodle is now 8 yrs old. Our vet has recommended sterilizing her to rule out PYO later. Also the risk of anesthesia is smaller now. She has an ultrasound appointment next week. (Do you also recommend (prophylactic) castration? If so, remove ovaries or uterus only? Sincerely..

Hi, my dog had a closed fire extinguisher 2 weeks ago but was operated on the spot so too late in the same day if I don't do it. For the past 2 days he comes out with pus in his urine . I called the vet and they told me to be careful . Has anyone had a similar situation ?.

Hi my chihuahua was operated on today for the second day in a row. She had pus but her kidneys are clean and her blood is ok. She can walk and stand up. My only concern is that she does not want to drink or eat. I keep giving her water with a syringe but I don't think that is enough..

My 12 year old bitch, a golden retriever, was found to have enlarged ovaries by ultrasound. In addition to the pronounced drinking behavior, it made a significant impression. The uterus and other organs were indifferent during the ultrasound. Now I am faced with the decision of whether to operate on her or wait to see. I do not want to go through unnecessary hassle. She is an older dog, probably 12.5 yrs old. What do you think? The first estimate would help me a lot. Sincerely..

Please understand that I do not know the patient so I cannot make an assessment. Do you have blood values? There is definitely some cause for alcohol consumption. Ovarian changes should be taken seriously in each case. Often waiting is the worst option. If you are unsure, seek a second opinion..

On May 2, Maxi made us an ovarian matrix. Today there is still severe pain when we touch it. Friday we noticed a thickening of the surgical wound so we know the dog is not well. Clinic where she was injected for the pain. Today we closed another appointment . Please answer. Thank you..

Meloxicam for dogs.

Meloxicam is a common medication used to treat pain and inflammation in dogs, but like most prescription drugs, meloxicam has some risks. Fortunately, most dogs tolerate the medication well and this helps relieve pain and inflammation..

What is Meloxicam?

Meloxicam is an NSAID or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the acetic acid category. It is a selective inhibitor of COX-2 and does not affect COX-1. Syloxygenase or Cox is a family of enzymes called isoenzymes; both COX-1 and COX-2 produce prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are lipids in body cells that have hormonal effects and promote pain and inflammation. COX-1 and COX-2 are found in different cells in the body. there is evidence that inhibition of COX-2, but not COX-1, can reduce gastrointestinal side effects normally associated with nonselective NSAIDs that inhibit COX1 There is evidence that.

Meloxicam is available in human tablets, but the dosages of these tablets are very high for canine use (except in giant breeds). Veterinary meloxicam is usually contained in a flavored suspension with a special oral syringe for exact dosages. There are two contents for drinking interruptions: 0.5 mg/ml and 1.5 mg/ml. It is important to use the correct potency in dogs to avoid overdose..

Signs of using meloxicam in dogs.

Metoxicam may be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation associated with diseases such as osteoarthritis. Often used to relieve pain and inflammation, it promotes healing and recovery after surgery or injury..

Meloxicam is typically administered to dogs once daily at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg (0.045 mg per 0.045 mg). At the veterinarian's discretion, the initial dose can be doubled.2 Fortunately, canine meloxicam solutions are usually accompanied by a syringe of the dose according to the dog's weight..

Shake the solution well and then pull a dose of the dog's weight (or the vet's recommended dose) with the syringe provided. The solution can be given directly to the dog's mouth or added to food. When adding meloxicam to a dog's food or delicacy, be sure the dog eats the entire portion of food to ensure proper dosage. Ingestion of this medication with food may decrease the likelihood of gastrointestinal problems..

Side Effects of Meloxicam in Dogs.

Signs of Meloxicam Side Effects in Dogs..

If your dog experiences any side effects while taking Meloxicam, stop the medication and contact your veterinarian immediately. If you notice heavy bleeding, extreme fatigue, sudden collapse, or other signs of serious illness, take your dog to your veterinarian immediately..

Considerations before administering Meloxicam to your dog.